Творческая работа Поповой Анастасии была посвящена исчезающим видам животных которые живут в воде. Мы предлагаем Вам прочитать ее сказки. Все рисунки к сказкам были выполнены ею самой.
From time immemorial there lived a marvelous seal in
the waters of Lake Ladoga. This fabulous animal has always had thick warm fur
skin, has always eaten chiefly fry and crustaceans, has always been harmless to
people. Undoubtedly that this seal has always had good-natured temper and a
cute snout. At that time fur on the back of our seal was dark grey and the
upper part of the body was light. And now I am going to tell you how light,
elongated rings appeared on the body.
Since then the Ladoga seal has
been called the Ringed Seal. If the seal hadn’t lost her way and swum far away,
she wouldn’t have spoiled her fur skin. The Ladoga ringed seal inhabits the
largest lake in Europe - Lake Ladoga. But she is still afraid of her main
threats - water pollution and poaching.
fairy-tale about the Ladoga seal that once became ringed.
One day
the seal swam to the small island hauling out in the ice. At the beginning of
March a cream-white pup was born in a snow cave. To feed her pup mother-seal
had to catch a lot of smelt, as the daily ration was about 3 kilograms. She
wanted her pup to be fed with fresh nutrient rich food. Once the seal was
following a school of fish and didn’t realize how she got to the mouth of the
Neva River and then to one of the channels of Saint-Petersburg. At this point
our seal-traveller got frightened she might have lost her way. She watched smelt
floating and didn’t notice she went so far. It’s high time our seal swam home
to her pup.
Having understood the situation our seal decided to emerge from the
water and look around. The water surface in the channel was covered with dirty
film of chemical waste of one of the chemical plants of our city. When aggressive liquid got to
the beautiful fur skin of the seal, the animal felt burning pain, got scared
and at top speed zoomed off. But chemical injuries which the pet
had got remained at her fur skin forever. Her fur skin got covered with light,
elongated rings, because some parts of the fur were discolored because of the
chemical substance.